空 – “kara” of Karate: comprehension of emptiness*

  Recently, I watched an older video featuring a highly respected Wado instructor. The video began with a monologue in which the instructor discussed 空 “kara,” a Zen Buddhist concept of “understanding emptiness.” He explained how his Zen priest had assigned him the life task of “experiencing emptiness” and how he was working on that… Continue reading 空 – “kara” of Karate: comprehension of emptiness*

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Sho shin 初心 (beginners mind)

Sho shin 初心 (beginners mind) Shoshin (初心) basically means “beginner’s mind.” Sho 初- first time or beginning Shin 心- heart, mind, or spirit. Shoshin is about maintaining a mindset of openness and eagerness without preconceptions when studying a subject, even at an advanced level. You must try and be in this beginner’s mind. It is… Continue reading Sho shin 初心 (beginners mind)

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Mokuso 黙想

Mokuso 黙想 Mokuso (黙想) Is what we call the kneeling meditation at the beginning and end of each class. It is a time to let go of your day and your stress and prepare and by calming your mind and also a way to seal the practice in your body at the end of training.… Continue reading Mokuso 黙想

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Metsuke 目付 and Kan Ken no Me 観見の目

Metsuke 目付 Metsuke explores what one is observing and how the act of observing takes place. It raises questions about the observer and the observed. The goal is to develop remarkable focus and concentration that is not easily distracted by movement or change. Through continuous practice, one can cultivate single-pointed focus with a non-dual nature.… Continue reading Metsuke 目付 and Kan Ken no Me 観見の目

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